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Download White Noise Pro v7.7.2 Full APK

Posted by APK SKY

As seen several times on the Today Show: Find out why the world sleeps better with white noise. It presents ambient environmental sounds to help you relax during the day and get a good night's sleep.

Do you have trouble falling asleep? Are you traveling by plane and need a quick nap? Does your newborn baby wake up in the middle of the night? The use of white noise has many advantages:

• Helps you sleep by blocking distractions
• Relax and reduce stress.
• Pacify difficult and crying babies
• Increase concentration while improving confidentiality
• Relieves headaches and migraines.
• Tinnitus masks (ringing in the ears)

Even when you sleep, your brain is constantly looking for and listening to sounds. If it is too quiet, unwanted noises such as drops of keys or police sirens can disturb your sleep. White noise generates sounds over a wide range of frequencies, masking these noise interruptions, so you can not only fall asleep, but also stay asleep.


50 HD sounds are included in the application (no download required unless you want more), including all color noises (brown, white, pink, etc.), mechanical sounds like the fan in the box or the air conditioner, light to intense rain, running water noises, beach and ocean waves, and much more. To see the full list of sounds, visit our website. Streaming is not required for playback.