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Zooper Widget Pro v2.45 Full APK

Posted by APK SKY

Zooper Widget Pro v2.45 Full APK. Minimal, chic, highly customizable and friendly "do it yourself" Battery Widget with almost unlimited possibilities !
- Examples of templates included , no need to download anything
- Some custom fonts already included , you can add more sdcard / fonts
- Create templates easily without functional limitation , tons of variables, WYSIWYG editor
- Build your style and change everything, color, text , shapes, positions and
- Fully customizable date and time ( day of the year , the number of weeks , the number of text ... )
- Battery information ( remaining time, percentage , temperature, voltage)
- World Clock (multiple time zones in the same gadget )
- Time for current locations or more on the same gadget
- Up to 5 days provided several suppliers ( Open Weather map , YR.NO )
- Information on the calendar with free personalization
- About the system uptime , next alarm , space on the SD card
- Name of the WiFi network, the mobile operator , signal strength , connection type
- Sunrise , Sunset and water birth or civil twilight
- Raise the system and the percentage of light
- A series of days, months and more
- TTF and PNG icons fully dynamic and customizable
- Progress bars
- Tasker integration (see website)
- The lock screen support Jelly Bean

- No Advertising
- Action Lock Widget Faucet / config ( and "module" click action )
- Load and save templates SD card

Zooper Widget was built from scratch with the battery in mind, nothing will be done as your phone sleep , no time if you have updated weather information on the screen will be updated n ' anywhere if you do not ask.

Zooper Widget does not use a lot of memory when running , even with 10 widgets on your screen will not grow more than 10 megabytes. During the installation , but the use of the RAM up to 25 MB, which is normal and the space will be released shortly after config is closed. If you use bitmaps , of course, because of the heavy cache, use the most.

Similar tools :
- Advanced Clock Widget
- Minimalistic text
- Beautiful Widgets
- SiMi Clock Widget
- TypoClock
- Clockr
- BattStatt
- Last personalized watch ( UCCW )
- Make Your Clock Widget
- Dashclock