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Root Call Blocker Pro v2.2.3.19 Full APK

Posted by APK SKY

Root Call Blocker Pro v2.2.3.19 Full APK. Root Call Blocker is a powerful call and SMS firewall for root users. Stop collectors and spammers text message 100 % of the time on our call manager , the only root. Works great for exes too .
Languages: English, Spanish, French , Deutsch, Italiano, Ελληνικά , Português, Magyar , Polski, Roman Pyccĸий , Українська , Türkçe,简体 中文,繁体字. If you want to help with translation , please visit http://bit.ly/wCgD4j
Unlike other call filters , Root Call Blocker The mounts calls for the system. You do not need to know, even his work and you can choose to be notified only if specific numbers are blocked.

☆ completely ignore calls and spam messages
☆ The phone never rings
☆ Import number lists files
☆ kept Reject unknown numbers , private and restricted
☆ Keep blocked calls and messages hidden
☆ Block area codes or countries

★ Silent mode / hidden
★ integrating Google Groups
★ Auto - Answers
★ encrypted backups
★ Clear the list of frequent calls on Android 4.0 +