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Robird v2.1.1 Full APK

Posted by APK SKY

Robird v2.1.1 Full APK. Robird Twitter client resembles an intuitive interface that makes it very easy to use, while a large number of features package. Optimized for phones and tablets. 

Main Features: 
* Soft and blazing fast online time. 
* Push Notifications 
* User Interface Tablet 
* Add multiple images and preview 
* The option of timeliness and directs 
* Automatic Updates Background 
* Sync TweetMarker 
* TweetLonger links and accounting function 
* Submit Auto tweets if I failed. 
* Multiple Image preview and navigation between the strike 
* The Mute option based on hashtags and keywords 
* Support Pebble smartwatch 
* Widget DashClock extension