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Graphing Calculator - MathPac+ v10.8 Full APK

Posted by APK SKY

Graphing Calculator - MathPac+ v10.8 Full APK. Graphing calculator application designed integrated mathematics and statistics on your phone or tablet care.
MathPac + offer precision, accuracy and affordability with a robust set of features that do not exist in the product of any competitor !

Part of mathematics includes:
- Online Help
- Word prompts you ... Graphs w / Evaluate,
Pinch / Zoom, Pan , Trace , Min, Max, steals, Intersections, Zeros , Tableview , dy / dx, Graph of Tangent , limits and functions integral part level !
Also factors , Slope -EQ , sequences , sums, matrix operations , Dot Products , Cross Products , 11 - regressions , complex numbers, grades and radians , a TVM Solver and of course a full scientific calculator.

Part of the statistics provides :
Help Go , and Word , 8 discrete probability functions
11 continuous probability functions - including Beta , Gamma and Weibull !
All confidence intervals of six samples 1 and 2 ,
Hypothesis test all six samples 1 and 2 , and all come with graphics !
Import and export lists direct to / sdcard ,
Regression Analysis w / T -Test, ANOVA , Dynamic Lists Transformations , Lists Operations , Factorial , nCr , nPr , definitions , formulas,
Dynamic: Plots histograms , box, scatter plots , plots of normality, and pie charts