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Deep Sleep Battery Saver Pro v2.2 Full APK

Posted by APK SKY

Deep Sleep Battery Saver Pro v2.2 Full APK. Deepsleep is constantly saving mode the battery while the device DeepSleep off the screen

LifeHacker : " A large number of applications to save battery life , but it takes the idea to a whole new level "

In Deepsleep mode, Wifi, 3G , stop the background applications. Therefore, most applications are not running , including Facebook, Google service, etc. . Then wake up constantly in order to download e -mail , Facebook status synchronization , etc. . It is defined by the frequency and duration woke Deepsleep

In advanced ( PRO ) mode, you can customize several parameters, including the implementation period day / night activity, delay the timing strategy of the screen skipped applications, etc.

☆ 5 predefined profiles : sweet , Balance , strong, aggressive, sleep. They vary in frequency, duration , and other parameters . The first is less harmful , but saving less battery and vice versa
☆ custom ( PRO ) - for advanced users. If you need more customization, select and edit profile
☆ Custom Profile Settings
- Independent, Monday to Friday vs parameters weekend
- Frequency : DS device is on the way at a selected frequency
- Duration: The device wakes up after a selected time after each cycle frequency
- Wileless network : radio control configuration for DS
- Sync: Synchronization Control Strategy and account synchronization , automatic synchronization
- Applications: Please stop for applications that DS
Only root - twisting process : - CPU
- Date Night : During this period, the unit is in SD mode
☆ General Settings
- Disable the delay screen: a small delay before starting DS . This option is used to prevent the display alternates rapid
- Whitelist applications are still unaware of the DS as a music player online
- Last ingored applications ignore the recent applications
- Use the APN settings : rotation data toggler 3G/4G/mobile
- Check background info : Once selected, the DS mode is ignored if traffic exceeds a defined threshold
- Threshold of traffic and traffic sampling